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Business Negative Energy Clearing

Delve into the details and clear the negativity that is within your business.

45 min
135 Australian dollars

Service Description

In this comprehensive one-hour session, you'll gain invaluable insights into any negative energies impacting your business. Discover potential sources of negativity, whether they be negative statements, energies, or significant historical land assignments affecting your business premises. Uncover the possibility of your business location occupying a space with a rich historical background, such as an old burial ground, battleground, or sacred site. Address any directed negativity, such as 'anger spears,' that may be aimed at your business, hindering its energetic balance and success. If you sense the presence of entities within your business space, this session will assist in determining their nature and whether they are independent entities or disruptive earthbound souls. Through a meticulous clearing process, your business space will undergo a transformative shift, becoming lighter, more peaceful, and harmoniously aligned with its divine purpose. It will be enveloped in spheres of love, light, and protection, creating an optimal environment for success and prosperity. Should a significant historical assignment be identified during the session, it will be approached with the utmost respect and reverence. Every aspect of your business's past will be acknowledged and honored, facilitating a deep sense of connection and continuity between the past, present, and future of your business space.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact us 24hrs prior to your session.

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